Top 7 famous night markets in Vietnam

Cập nhật: 11-09-2019 08:47:54 | NEWS | Lượt xem: 205

Night market is the common name for the places that have trading activities at night. However, in Vietnam, the night markets are always special, where there are miniature paintings of the local people, where to cultivate the value of Vietnam tourism, and also to preserve customs and culture of people in each region.

Therefore, the night market is one of the never-boring places for tourists, instead of walking around instead of lying in a hotel room, to be immersed in the bustling atmosphere of trading and enjoying the quintessence in the cultural life of the people there.

Sapa night market (Sapa love market)

attractive food booths at Sapa night market

Attractive food booths at Sapa night market

Traveling to Sapa, any tourist wants to not only see the beautiful scenery but also discover the unique culture of the indigenous people here. Sapa Love Market is an extremely unique cultural feature of the Mong and Dao people, the meeting place for the affection of young men and women in the Northwest villages.

Sapa night market only meeting every Saturday night. In addition to the unique love songs, you will have the opportunity to experience a lot of interesting things of the bustling market displaying unique brocade items, hundreds of delicious foods of the Northwest and the exciting festival program not to be missed.

Hanoi Old Quarter night market

Hanoi Old Quarter Night Market full of light and interesting items

 Hanoi Old Quarter Night Market full of light and interesting items

Hanoi Old Quarter night market is located right in the area of ​​Hoan Kiem district, next to Sword Lake. Walking leisurely along the road, you can see many shops selling all kinds of goods. But the most eye-catching is probably the car full of fruit beams, grilled skewers and tornado potatoes very popular with young people.

Besides the colorful culinary world, the old town night market also attracts visitors by many lovely souvenir products with affordable prices but extremely meticulous and beautiful. Indeed, this place is a harmonious combination of ancient features and bustling life creating an unforgettable charm in the hearts of travelers.

Hoi An night market

The most noticeable area in Hoi An Night market

The most noticeable area in Hoi An Night market

If you have visited Hoi An, you must definitely once mingle with the crowded people to enjoy a true night market.

Located on the busy Nguyen Hoang street, Hoi An night market starts meeting from 17pm until 23pm. It sells a lot of items, from cute souvenirs, dresses, shoes to fine handicraft products, silk brocade, jewelry. But perhaps, the most special thing that makes it stand out is the countless colorful lanterns, hanging everywhere, giving off red and blue light that make the space turn into a “ancient capital city”, beautiful to dream.

There is no shortage of delicacies in the market, in which you absolutely have to try Quang noodles, lotus seed sweet soup, and then sip a bowl of freshly bean curd, faintly smell of ginger in the gentle aromatic sugar water. You can safely continue the discovery journey.

Nha Trang night market

A crowed night market

A crowed night market

Nha Trang night market is located at 46 Tran Phu, located next to the cultural center of the city. It started to become crowded and bustling from about 19pm to 23pm with nearly 100 booths with diverse products for sale. Just a few minutes walk, you will immediately see an illuminated area of ​​lights, busy sellers and buyers and filled with scent  at the food stall. From seafood dishes such as grilled squid, fried shrimp to sweet soup are strangely attractive. Here, we can also easily buy some pretty small gifts to bring to relatives after an exciting trip to Nha Trang.

Dalat Night Market

Hundreds of snacks in Dalar night market

Hundreds of snacks in Dalar night market

Dalat is always beautiful. Not only during the day but at night, when you immerse yourself into the flow of people in a Da Lat night market, in the cool weather all year round, enjoy hundreds of hot snacks, "sip" a little wine with friends,  which is really awesome.

Dalat night market is located right on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street, is meeting from 5pm and only about 30 minutes later, it was crowded with people. There really is nothing missing, from hot and steaming junk food such as boiled corn, sweet potatoes, grilled squid to fresh green vegetables. Especially, if you are looking to buy a few costumes just beautiful and cheap, Da Lat night market is exactly "paradise" for you to freely choose. Clothes with a variety of models, only priced from a few tens of thousands dong or less, of course, it is still necessary to check carefully to find the most satisfactory item.

Phu Quoc night market

 The "paradise" of seafood

The "paradise" of seafood

Located at Bach Dang - Nguyen Dinh Chieu intersection, Phu Quoc night market opens very early, about 17:00 pm until 2am the next morning. One thing to be sure of is that you won't be able to try all the specialties if you only stay here for a day or two, so be sure not to skip dishes like ice cream rolls, buttered toast, candy, peanuts. In particular, this place is also known as the "paradise" of seafood because of the diversity and freshness of fish, shrimp, snails, sea bream. However, the price will be a bit more expensive, so you should carefully calculate to ensure you will not be "out of pocket". Besides, there is a sparkling souvenir area, and the service of engraving letters on rice grains is really interesting and unique you should not miss.

Ben Thanh Night Market (Ho Chi Minh City)

 Ben Thanh night market is brilliant and sparkling

 Ben Thanh night market is brilliant and sparkling

Ben Thanh night market is a place that attracts many tourists. This market is a daytime shooting spot for tourists and around 18:30 pm will be a busy time for opening up to welcome hundreds of people, so you will immediately feel noisy atmosphere which nowhere have.

The most unique feature here is the beautiful salesgirls, fashionable dresses and proficient foreign languages. Weaving in the bustling space, we will have the opportunity to listen to English, French, Japanese, and Thai in a very mixed and fun way. The variety of items for sale from clothes, shoes to handicrafts and cannot fail to mention the cuisine that fully converges the quintessence of three regions culture: North, Central, South, and becomes a very particular charm in Saigon.

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